About Andromedan Starseeds. Happy to hear the post resonated with you! I just learned that I am a Starseed and Andromeda was once my home. I have a strong connection to nature and water. I believe Im also Arcturian. Youre welcome, Libby. Much love. Strong Saturn or Capricorn placements are markings of Orion starseeds. Happy to hear the article helped you . Hard to imagine. Have always hated authority, needed freedom. So many times throughout my whole life Ive said "Ok, Im ready to go home now. Ive just recently done more exploration into what type of starseed I am and I suddenly came across your YT video about starseeds and now this post. i also want to become a scientist. I originally was searching for answers as to why I am intensely receiving energy from others. These starseeds have strong Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn placements in their birth chart. I broke a lot of ground with dealing with trauma and shadow work. Would love to meet other mission realmers Vega starseeds have a lot of Virgo placements in their birth chart. I dont like religions, I always want freedom to create and explore the world, and I always have questioned myself Is this really my family?, Thats beautiful You have a star family who is always guiding and supporting you. Im not tall either, its not necessary . i dont look like an andromedan starseed but I do act like one Im not tall thats it Im not tall Im very short so does this mean Im not one or??? When I realized they werent my family. Freedom is something you value a lot in life. My baby girl <3 Miss Kyla. How to Find Your Starseed Markings - SELFFA Even as a young child I was interested in space and was having philosophical discussions with friends about the origin of the universe. Lots of love/Ida, Beautiful, thanks for sharing! My birthchart is in alignment almost perfect and I have since about 12 yrs old craved to understand the religion of this world. And reading this gets me closer to discover who Im thank you , Thank you for your article, it made me feel like home! after having soul retrieval ive discovered the andromedans have been actively making contact, The past 2 years have been a whirlwind of an awakening for me. at the time of your birth. Andromedans are an incredibly loving, gentle, and telepathic race originating from the spiral-shaped galaxy of Andromeda, sometimes known as M31. But I dont know how to harness it . Andromedans are a very loving, wise and beautiful star race, and the Andromedan starseeds play an important role on Earth. Then next night my partner suggested we watch Nova and it was about the Andromedan Galaxy and I instantly remembered, did some google search, found you and watched your video! Thank you!!! Arcturians - Starseed Origins Thank you for writing such a non-discriminatory article. This is amaizing. You are drawn to acting, writing, and other creative work where you can express yourself freely. I had always been conscious where my actions and words come from. At that time, i didnt know the meaning of nomad. Some people when around them makes me feel like Im cradled with this warm electrical shower. I'm sick of all this evil. What is the purpose. A starseed is a highly advanced and gifted soul who are incarnated into a human body, but whose spirit originate from another planet, star system or Universe. I am so sad that I am only now finding this out. It was like bathing in pure, fluid, metaphysic light. Now I understand why did I interesting with the word Andromeda . Starseeds, also called star people, are old souls that have lived many lives, and often have a big mission on Earth. The Andromedans are from the neighboring galaxy Andromeda. So I reconnected in a big in 2012 ~ but I never asked where I came from, with all in information I received ~ I just asked andromeda googled found this page. i am mad that we are harming earth and no one talks about it. Im a bit overwhelmed but mostly with joy and gratitude. I have a lot to say but for some reason I am running out of words. They also have a high sense of morality and anxiety about following the rules even though they dislike authority. Love n light, Magical, thanks for sharing! Andromedans; Arcturians; Dracos; Greys & Zeta; Lyrans; Orions; . I feel so much confirmation from this article. So, thank you. A part of me strongly answered, no if my presence has to hurt someone for me to live, annihilate me. Im sick without him and he definitely fits the description in your article. There is no set Andromedan starseed appearance, but most Andromedan starseeds have an oval-shaped face with a thoughtful look on their face. My son is rainbow child, but he got starseed reading and says he is from Andromeda. Thank you. My name is George. Thank you and bless you , I have discovered that I am very certainly an Indogo child (with General Anxiety Disorder, and ADHD), and 100% an Andromedan Starseed . I also felt starseed energy as well. I am a Holistic Health Practitioner and have always known that it was what would make me fulfilled. It feels amazing, and as if Im being reminded, if that makes sense. I had a dream, a few years ago. I have discoverd that I am a Andromedan starseed. Welcome, Hope you enjoy our site 2 years in the making and finally we are here. I still have so much to learn . Love Leni. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. I have connected telepathically with my galactic family and I couldnt be happier! thank you for writing this article. I felt a sense of wholeness upon seeing it, I felt complete for the first time in my life and it never made sense until I read this article. . Anywho! How his love for the womanwas his love for God. Thank you so much for sharing this great info to help me learn more about myself! Ive gone without food to fed others none relation Ive taken care of ppl that wouldnt piss on me if I was on fire . But I was brought to your post and things are continuing to click and Im remembering things I completely forgot about. In comparison, there are MILLIONS of pleiadian starseeds incarnated on Earth right now. My soul essence was etheric in form. These starseeds have strong Libra influence in their natal chart. If your goin thru hell.keep on goin. Thank you. I am against this policy of one mans fall is another mans success. In prison! I always have this goal to help anyone in my own little way without asking something in return. The degrees of 32, 33, 34, or 35 in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Virgo are the Starseeds Lyran and Andromedan. Recently Ive been consumed with the urge to research my spiritual ancestry and coming across this article has been massive help. I didnt know what these words meant until I researched a few months down the track and found the galaxy. Free Starseed Astrology Chart - Heaven's Child I cannot believe how accurately and completely I identify with Indigo and Andromedan. But I am perfecly sure we met so she could put a seed of enlightenment inside of me so I could finally wake up. Many Andromedans starseeds are thin and have a hard time putting on weight. So many other signs tooreading this article turned on a light for me. I know things I shouldnt know. I am 65 and my life is a bliss. Unfortunately I have been struggling a lot with the low vibrations from Earth and due to anxiety disorder and depression I have been suffering a lot during my life time. And i know it. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. These people I interact with are all the ones I get along with. However, as you continue on your spiritual path you eventually overcome this and step into your full power. For years I questioned my soul origin always knowing it wasnt human from my first encounter of ets watching over me as a young child. Anyhow, my mom has always said I was a star child so that is why I am here. And then check the table collating the degrees, signs, and house placements foreach planet and point. 1st is just really simple and neither here nor there, but I dont think body type is really a way to tell, but if it was, I would say it would be the body type and shape like the self-proclaimed Andromedan Starseed, Lilli Bendriss. Thank you for this article it clears up a lot for me. Young andromedan here, glad I found this article. Because you value freedom so much you might have been moving around a lot, changed friends and switched partners a lot in the past. Thank you for this! What is the big picture? I have just received a channelling and was told I have an Andromedon guide and I have been on that planet in a previous life .That resonated with me straight away and after reading this is my exact personality , I have always felt different right from an early age . The Andromedan Starseed and Their Traits - Spiritual Unite Many thanks! What Julia wrote, is 100% me. Thank you for sharing this, it has brought me great comfort as well as a sense of purpose. I am retired now and lately discovered my artistic side, wrote a book , musician for quite some time, painting and drawing. Then it drains me . I went into deep theta state meditation and went right in to the records and took care of everything. Now i make powerful conscious choices that support all of the ppl involved instead of being angry. If they are us in the future what made them look the way they do. After that experience, I was upgraded to andromedan dominant energy. I meditated recently and was on a starship. Love and knowledge is the best weapon against these dark/negative/psycopatic beings. I am Andromedan, even I dreamed of a being which was bold, with bright face, and blue uniform. So, you can't actually manipulate and Andromedan starseeds easily. Follow her on Instagramfor more. Galactic Family; Lucid video video test Starseed Origins, 07/31/2020 07/31/2020, Orions, 1 + First blog post Starseed Origins, 07/31/2020 07/31/2020, Orions, 4 . I unfortunately had three experiences with three of the top corrupt preachers televangelist. Happy to see another Andromedan starseed here , Thanks for this great article. I have been viewed as a person who is androgynous. I dont know if my dream predicted what would happen or if the dream became a guide for me to know the races of starseed espcially the andromedan. Going through a turbulent Kundalini awakening right now. Have had a celestial dream where Im gazing down on earth from clouds alongside 2 male celestial beings who communicated via claircognizance, and the profoundness of the dream was so strong and overwhelming. But its like, one thing lead to another and i found this (i believe its fate). What many people would consider heroes but still they dont have much of an ego and just want to be of help. I just had an Akashic reading today and she told me I was from Andromeda. #sometimesiknowthenidontknow. AMUN-RA Out!, Can ou Tell me If Alpha Centaurus has something to do with Andrmeda??? Im disgusted by this site around us the human race acts of negativity Ive literally had to lower myself just to survive many time thru my years. I would love to live off grid, love living by the ocean and fight everyday for freedom and free thinking. I would love to consider my self as an andromeda starseed. What I have been experiencing during my awakening would otherwize have me question my sanity and I would be to scared to move on. So truly showing me the truth of the corruption . I feel one is deep and the other is the network of biological processes that keep me alive. Sorry if this sounds completely unbelievable, but its what I experienced! Im violet with indigo traits. Sending you lots of love and blessings , Hi, my name is Richie Perez Reyes from Cebu City. I still dont have anyone that helps me to understand other then the internet . I have found my freedom within , and I am managing ok but I am over whelmed by the disclosure , about the children, the betrayal, the lies, the vaccines , and the total deception that has taken place here on Earth and the aqueisence and blind trust of human beings. Also name itself is always been familiar to me, like I knew this name very well. I had a 6 1/2 year relationship with my soulmate who I believe was an Andromedian Starseed. Theyre living oxymorons. Andromedans will very likely do things with great enthusiasm and care that are unique to humans, like design, architectural engineering, fashion design (think of haute couture and other costume like fashion, not always ready-to-wear). Ive had so many Good relationships. I always felt Im more arcturian, but reading this article sounds pretty much like you are talking about me. 100% reflects my personality and mission. Ive always been quite the loner however; have put on a smiley face and greeted others to make them feel good. Happy to find another andromedan here . How to Find Your Starseed Markings in Birth Chart Ive known I was a starseed. And im grateful and I accept this, fully. Taking away my freedom has challenged me to my core. It basically imparted that I can believe all of my lifelong search for proof of spiritual existence and phenomena. WellI got out of bed and dad said lets go. The description fits me to the last letter. Could that mean I am not a true Andromedan? Reading the article made me feel that I belong. If you want a more in depth look at your personal astrology, shop the Birth Chart Report here. I have felt many times i want to leave but I know I cant commit suicide. And hell is eternity right? Your article sums me up 100% . Ive known I was an Andromedan starseed for a very long time but whenever I feel discouraged or lost I go back and look at all the signs that I am this eternal spiritual and its just amazing. I dont know how to describe it. I hate all type of authority. The starseed traits you wrote here of this alien race fit to a T!!!! Yet, when they incarnate on Earth, they become 3rd dimensional, just like everyone else. The night i had my awakening i was terryfied because when i looked in the mirror i saw something else than myself. You dont think anyone should have to pay high taxes and you try to minimize your tax bills as much as possible. But I was also given the name Andronela from Andromeda. And I also saw the motherships. Now I know. Every single part of this resonates with me. My wonderful aunt has had her the whole time and I have a great relationship with her. WOW. Thanks for posting it. I honestly have no clue why Im here. Both me and my twin flame are nomads, thats actually why we ended up meeting each other in Spain. Fell in love with snorkelling, being underwater feels like home. The exact mission varies from starseed to starseed, but usually its some sort of guiding or science mission. Lastly, the Procyon starseeds are the rarest type of starseeds present on Earth, whereas the Pleiades are the most common. I have always had trouble settling here on Earth and most people never truly understood and I felt rather odd saying I felt so far from home while laying in my own bed. RELATED:Psychic Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Able To Read Your Mind. I did a starseed meditation and came to the conclusion that I am Andromedan. Therefore be one with these energies that initiate you into oneness with the creator as they prepare you for upcoming events in future timelines of the planet. This has given me the courage to go on and understand I am not crazy. I have never felt like I fit in on this earth, I have been through so much and I keep going stronger than most, Im so wise for my age. This is absolutely amazing. She held my face to a stove when I was 6 mths old very long story but that abuse along with much more from a.variety of other humans. Reading this felt like coming home.thank you. Julia I think the Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was a Andromeda star seed and he was murdered 3 months ago today by the Bollywood Reptilians because he was going to expose the international child trafficking racket. what can i do? The first step in determining your Starseed markings is to have a copy of your birth chart. I know I am a Starseed since a longer while, but recently someone told me that I might be the Andromedan Starseed and shared this article with me. Only recently Ive been told Im from different planet but didnt get much information. This place was like a gate of rainbow color and translucent shimmer. Brought peace to my heart and mind. And my anger has come into full control. It never changed my heart I still always help those that came to me showed love when I was led to . Wow! how does one not have empathy or remorse when dumping oil into an innocent ocean?! I just read your article and its totally 100% spot on like me exactly! Hello, Im on the process of awakening and its very hard Im lost and dont know what to do with my life. Starseeds that have incarnated from the Andromeda Galaxy tend to share some of the following characteristics: they LOVE freedom and may go to great lengths to maintain their freedom they love to travel and some will choose to be purposely nomadic lifestyle, travelling by foot, bike, boat or air Today i realized the gates that i passed and the commitment I made to those guides were Andromedan councils and entry. In my twenties I did a long walk about travelling. I know Im a healer, I came here to heal people. Do you think you are an Andromedan starseed? The Andromedans believe starseeds and their work is very important, because what happens on Earth impacts other galaxies. I was beat because of who I was how I was different she would beat me horribly then She would prosper an uneducated woman was able to walk into a pile of crap and come out smelling like a rose. Im so happy to hear that the article resonated, fellow Andromedan , omg!! I absolutely resonate with Andromedan starseed every aspect you shared in the article above totally on point. In this article I describe starseed alignments for the Pleiades - scroll down to the bottom of this page to find them! my name is Hebe, like the Greek Goddess of Youth, and I think that was meant to be my name so one day i would delve into the delights of spirituality. Pleiadians - Starseed Origins I have been experiencing (and still are) an amazing yet sometimes scary awakening and finally I am becoming more and more balanced. After that I was guided to your page and it makes so much sense now everything. I am a member of LGBTQ and my goal is anything thats best for the humanity. I have been having this weird feelings for years now and I wasnt so sure if I was the only one experiencing this. Thank you for this article! The negative forces are loosing their grip as more and more starseeds are stepping into their purpose and sharing their light. Thank you so much, Julia. Im not saying I believe or dont believe, but I came across information from different sources that have me considering the possibility of Andromedan Starseeds, and I was really thrown by some of the information in the article. Andromedan Starseeds are originally from the Andromeda galaxy, a spiral galaxy roughly 2.5 million light-years from Earth. My cosmic name is Aydhen (pronounced I-dean). Im pulled to share my life I feel thats the lesson for humans . This is absolutere me Hello fellow Andromedan your explanation rings true. . . They specifically told me that I am not being tested but I am being made aware that hurting anything on planet earth is off the table, thats what this mission needs. A starseed is a soul who has lived many lifetimes on other planets and star systems before settling here on Earth. And it scared people. <3, Hi thank you for your most informative article Ive always known I AM an old soul and Ive always loved Ancient civilisations such as Sumeria, Atlantis, Lemuria & Pangea especially now I know and understand why. Continue to help humanity and I also will do my best to assist aswell with my gifts and traits also. Hello, I have known all my life that I was not pure human. ???? Do Andromedans also appear as golden-shining entities? Yes I know I am from Andromeda galaxy because a few years ago even before hearing the galaxy nameI channeled for my friend and I. Which its common with this type starseed, they able to heal on own way easily. Spent 25 years in an office but in my career I had a lot of freedom. You just want to be of service and wants whats best for humanity and Earth. I knew he loved the water, was both creative AND analytical, and service centered. I remember that i was carried by a space ship to earth an there was a red star . NOW I understand what he was trying to tell me! Wow Hi sister!!! Then what are animals? It could be that you have incarnated in many different star systems. Yeah such a beautiful comment thread , I recently found out 2020 I am a starseed yet Ive known since a very young age like 3 yrs old I was very very different then others. I believed my mission was to face the devil. Obviously, Andromeda is a massive galaxy, but I find that certain souls from Andromeda come here to Earth for specific purposes, so Andromedan starseeds tend to have certain things in common. Im just so new and need some time to orient myself, my goal is as clear as crystal. I also get tingles when something deeply resonates me. I often wondered why are they asking me questions or looking for answers. I have a Telegram account and always read the posts from Darkness to Light. due to what is happening in the world .Whilst I have been spiritual my whole life , I have suffered here on Earth enormously and I want to go home. Mine is freakishly spot on the money and screams 100% pleaidean. I got pregnant. The reason why you feel drawn to these places is because you might have previous lives in these civilizations. This starseed type really stuck out to me for multiple reasons I wont go into here. Please educate me. I dont, but thats a good idea. I was told I was, but then also was told I was a pleaidian . Thanks for sharing your story. Read more about Julia Lundin. Especially if they are in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Turns out I am!! Oh my god!! #wastaughttodoubtme #2dayIrise. Sending you lots of love and blessings , 800k.. Thank you for this! I am now during a major change in my life and stepping into my mission and what I came here to do and so it was incredibly helpful to have this confirmation. Because of this, maybe I am tapping in to my spiritual gifts? Through her understanding and astrological study, she postulated there are several markings on a person's astrological birth chart, which can signify if someone is a Starseed. This includes your natal sun sign (desires, will, drive), moon sign (our emotional nature, memories, comforts, mother) and nodes of destiny (destiny in this lifetime and past life karma). I speak truth on everything from political to your inner self ppl ask for the truth but they dont want the truth. I still dont know much abt starseeds but the fact that Im feeling overwhelmed signifies there is a resonance and a remembrance. Except for one thing- I have a fear of open, still bodies of water and am not at all a beach person, and am afraid of the ocean and also on water with there being no land in sight. Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins I am an actress, writer, teacher , nature lover, nomad and healer. They originate from Procyon, a star in the Canis Minor constellation. Reptilian what? Just recently found out that I am an Andromedan and everything started to come together. That is me for sure!! because Im at a point in my life wondering if Im going to go back to my career or just go into business because I want to be alone yet successful. Have a beautiful day! I have an IQ of 148. thank you for this amazing blog. Traits and. Let me know afterwards how it went! So, to say Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy is a bit nebulous. Here are some signs you belong to the Andromedan group: You have been told that you emit an energy of peace and serenity After that, i was told i dont have any contracts and i volunteered to help a family break ancestral patterns and my presence here is enough. I like to call them 'the children of the Earth' for this reason. Gosh my comment above sounds so self-ritious and almost boastful, but please know that is not at all how it is intended!!! I only use technology but not really into it. But I cant sleep if i am not inclusive in my way of life. From infancy Ive always spoken like someone much more advanced in age. Im going to meditate on this later in hopes that I can connect with my starseed family! By those things do you have any idea who i am? Ive been having relationship issues. I just happened to come across an article about starseeds. It wasnt suicidale thoughts but a need to go home. Interested in archurians also.. people always tell me i need to be more respectful of authority, which is true i suppose, but i just cant. I remembered in a dream that in my privious life i were a famouse general of persian kingdom when cyrus was the king of hakhamaneshian in 2500 years ago . Hi Ro! I played in creeks, lakes, and rivers to revive My soul. She can also tell you information about past lives and a general idea of your starseed mission. My experiences as a child told me that I was destined for more, a mission I must complete, on earth.. I read inch by inch and 100% everything matches. Also the other things I was taken towards was ancient technology and shown how it works etc. I have known for many years that I am special and my ascension process has been intense. Starseed Origins, 07/31/2020 07/31/2020, Orions, 1 + First blog post Starseed Origins, 07/31/2020 07/31/2020, Orions, 4 . You might have heard that the Pleiadians are our future selves visiting us. Im also An Empath, Alchemist and natural Savant. Zanfar revealed to me that their hybrid race from another planet is on Earth already. Welcome, Hope you enjoy our site 2 years in the making and finally we are here. (Along with Uranus and Neptune) this article makes me very homesick as well as soothes a little of my lifelong home sickness. It is amazing how much this resonates for me. What an absolute blessing. I know when there are elements wanting to take me out this is a battle .
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andromedan starseed birth chart 2023