But then it will have a very low level and need a lot of experience before it becomes useful. A bit of a hassle to get, but I do really like Froslass, so I've included her. - Stone Edge / Sunny Day / Amnesia. We all know how constricting HMs can be otherwise (especially before getting to Lilycove), so let's get started. In these cases, the more generally helpful item will be noted instead. - Rock Slide - Hone Claws Ability: Immunity Metal Sound- Harshly lowers opponent's Special Defense and pretty much makes Magnezone unstoppable. Changed my team according to the suggestions. - Signal Beam Pokmon Team Builder | Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - YouTube You can have Extrasensory to annihilate your Fighting type weakness (which you get through sneaking), or Shadow Ball which you can use to take out Phoebe the second of the Elite 4. Because it is.) Both evolutions' respective STABs are accounted for, and they both have coverage against Ghosts. - Surf Cacturne is a great mon, and its Needle Arms do a surprising amount of damage. Ice Beam: Good against Grass types. replace Iron Tail for Iron Head, accuracy over power is better than power over accuracy as Iron Head is strong enough STAB for Aggron to use and its does not have that 25% chance of missing. Giga Drain is STAB and allows them to recover HP, Leaf Blade is a great STAB move with a high critical hit chance, Dragon Claw is STAB if you decide to Mega Evolve, and Earthquake allows him to cover his Fire and Poison weaknesses. Share turned off, I decided having bulky Pokmon would be a good idea. - Arm Thrust (starting move) > Force Palm (Level 13) > Wake-Up Slap (Level 38) Thunderbolt is STAB, Flamethower is coverage, Volt Switch is a free switch and STAB, Quick Attack is priority or Thunder Wave for paralysis. - Crunch Crobat - Poison/Flying In addition, Electric moves are very easy to see coming on most Pokemon, and Swampert hard walls most Pokemon with an Electric move. Wattson: Marshtomp with Mud Shot easily solos this Gym. If it's male, I use Gallade, and if it's female, I use Gardevoir. Flygon And finally, in the depths on the Shoal Cave (and by the depths I mean the first room), we meet our final permanent team member, the thicc walrus. Ability: Pure Power. Shadow Ball covers against Ghost and other Psychics. Ability: Frisk --> Prankster Ability: Shell Armor - Crunch Brick Breaks primary use is to break the screens that Glacias Glalie #1 and Stevens Claydol set up, should it be necessary. Zangoose @ Silk Scarf - X-Scissor / Earthquake Earthquake Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free. Earthquake is the best STAB move available to it, but Dig and Mud Shot both work well before then. Manectric @ Magnet / nothing Swampert is an amphibian-like Pokmon with a bulky frame and four thick limbs, the two longer ones at the front serving as arms while the shorter limbs provide support for the creature if it chooses to stand upright. - Acrobatics Earthquake is there because it's strong, Knock Off is to counter Psychic types, and Heavy Slam and Poison Jab are to take out Fairy types. Ability: Synchronize Crawdaunt - Water/Dark Zen Headbutt is solid filler coverage, and Earthquake is Earthquake! - Hex. Ice punch for coverage and Rain Dance for setting rain when needed. Leaf Blade/Thunderbolt. TM Thunderbolt: Mauville City (help Wattson clean up New Mauville) He's probably one of my best team members due to his high Speed and Attack. - Dragon Claw / Dual Chop - Dive, I had to make him into a HM slave since I didn't have any other team members that could learn the Water HM's and I didn't wanna get rid of a team member to have an HM slave. He has amazing Special Defence and good Attack, and a pretty great movepool. If you want, you can replace Tentacruel with Sharpedo, but it does have shoddy defences and it's rather lack luster without Speed Boost. I taught Manectric Flash when I needed it. Because his Attack was already pretty good compared to his Special Attack, there's no doubt about whether or not it would be a physical set. Shadow Claw to help against Ghost types is another option. But anyways, Swampert is a great pick because he fills the spot for the Water HM user and he has a great movepool. Ability: Sturdy For Boomburst, use a Heart Scale or just level up to level 58. Personally, I just catch the first Ralts I come across. Swampert Golem Alakzam LIoone Camerupt Tropius Manectric Latios Delcatty maybe there was a Vileplume too to be completely honest i don't remember my ORAS team that well the only members that were consistent was Swampert, Camerupt, and Latios the rest is just anyone else that may have passed in or out of the team for a significant amount of time before the elite 4 Wait until L21 to evolve Treecko, because it can only get Giga Drain at that point. Ability: Blaze > Speed Boost Ability: Synchronize / Trace --> Pixilate Dragon Claw To get Dragon Dance, first reach the Pokmon League. - Close Combat Kecleon @ Expert Belt Flamethrower Swampert is semi-bipedal. Finally, Leaf Blade and Thunderbolt are for smacking the myriad of Water-types in Hoenn. I would replace it with Brick Break instead for more coverage You can do that too, however I enjoy to have at least 1 priority move in my team, just in case. Leech Seed and Toxic wears the opponent down. - Flamethrower [emailprotected] Expert Belt (Pre-E4 - no items, moves or Pokmon only available in the Post-Game) There are others moves you could use here, like Sunny Day or Amnesia. I'm going to post a team for Swampert here, as I beat the whole story mode in two days and never died once. Swampert - #260 - Serebii.net Pokdex 4) My personal favorite of the 3 starters. :), This team features not one, but two HM slaves, to allow the rest of the team to fire on all cylinders. Aggron has high Defense that can help it serve as an effective tank. - Overheat (TM) [Top 10] Pokemon Omega Ruby Best Teams That Are Powerful! Stone Edge: Lilycove Department Store Today's team is Gen 6/3 ORAS starting with Mudkip. Nuzzle is simply a better version of Thunder Wave, dealing damage as well. Since I decided to play through the game with the Exp. Ability: Rock Head Nasty Plot to sharply raise Special Attack and Will-O-Wisp to inflict burns (and take less physical damage). Swampert can easily crush most battles in the game and is the best centerpiece to a Champion's team. Surf is good for dealing with pesky Fire types. - Dragon Claw - Focus Blast / False Swipe. - Flash Canon - Rock Slide / Stone Edge. - Shadow Ball - Thunder Wave (starting move) > Bite (Level 24) > Flamethrower (TM35 - Victory Road) - Recover - Flare Blitz / Blaze Kick Same with Earthquake. Ability: Natural Cure Surf is a good move and is your means of water transportation. While Weezing might not be as good as Aggron or Skarmory, I already had a Steel-type, so I decided Weezing would be a good addition to the team. - Dive Swampert @ Swampertite You can delete all HM moves once at the E4 and Linoone is good to deal with Phoebe. - Surf (HM) / Dig (TM)*. Waterfall: STAB and an HM. your ORAS team? : r/pokemon - Reddit - Thunderbolt / Discharge - X-Scissor Aside from giving you free stuff, Linoone also doubles as a pretty good HM user, and a decent battle Pokemon with only Headbutt. - Moonblast: Level 62 or Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town Flash improves your visibility in dark caves, although it isn't really needed. Dragon Claw: Meteor Falls, in the WAY WAY back (requires Surf and Waterfall) Ability: Overgrow -> Lightning Rod - Waterfall Focus Blast / False Swipe: False Swipe to help catch stuff, but Focus Blast is a great power move. - Rock Smash (HM) Other good moves you can consider are Brick Break, X-Scissor, Power-Up Punch and False Swipe (to catch Pokemon). - Giga Drain Gardevoir will be able to take on Brawley, Sidney, and Drake with it's moves. Equip an Oran Berry or use Potions during the battle to survive Nosepass Rock Tombs. Shadow Claw is for Psychic types, and Earthquake is Earthquake. - Psychic Good team but I would replace Gyarados with Aggron as you have 2 members weak to electric types and Aggron walls most of the E4 combined with its broken mega evolution with solid defence and great offensive power, other than that, good team :). Very little grinding is needed, there are no version exclusives, Mega Evolutions or legendaries, and the coverage is superb. Pick Up = free crap. Energy Ball covers all weaknesses and Flamethrower is solid STAB. - Dragon Pulse: from Battle Resort Move Tutor for 12BP Thunderbolt: Given by Wattson after calming the box legendary and investigating New Mauville Every team needs that tank that makes everyone mad when it endures everything you throw at it. Which is better? - Crabhammer - Steel Wing - Dig - Earthquake (TM) / Stone Edge (TM). - Surf Both have STAB and good power. Ability: Inner Focus TM Ice Beam: Sea Mauville Gyarados @ Rocky Helmet TM10 Hidden Power can be obtained in Fortree City. Strength because you need a Strength user and it's a decent move. Shadow Ball/Dazzling Gleam/Grass Whistle. Magnezone @ Magnet - Volt Switch. - Shadow Claw / Brave Bird - Leaf Storm (Move Reminder) Rock Slide is a powerful coverage option that works as a good backup against Winona, should Manectric fall. but they are not necessary. - Steel Wing, Item: anything Your not wrong but Aggron is good against the Ice E4 member and Dragon E4 combined with its OP defence stat when you mega evolve it and its Steel/Rock typing is removed when it mega so it become a pure Steel type so its quite a defensive tank but I also see why you put Gyarados on your team. Ability: Intimidate - Dark Pulse: TM97 at the Team Magma/Aqua Hideout Fly is more for convenience than damage, but it could work well in combination with Swamperts Surf in a Double Battle. - Fake Out / Rock Slide / Power-Up Punch. Steel Wing is the most viable move for the last slot, since Swellow has a pretty shallow movepool. So this comes very early on in the game. After spending a while hunting, I found a Shroomish on DexNav and it had Drain Punch so that was cool :0 I gave her the Silk Scarf because I didn't have any other items. - Psycho Cut Brick Break / Strength: Brick Break is a good STAB move that has more PP than Close Combat, and it doesn't get the Defense drops that Close Combat has. - Surf The moveset listed above was just the one I went with, but you have plenty of options for experimentation. - X-Scissor - Crunch - Earthquake. I kinda cheated a little and brought a Dawn Stone over from my Pokmon Y version so I could have a powerhouse early on and he just rocks it. Swellow @ Sharp Beak Zen Headbutt is a decent STAB move with a decent flinch chance, High Jump Kick is a very powerful STAB move (but you will want to be careful using it), Ice Punch covers her Flying weakness, Bulk Up allows it to set up a possible sweep, and Poison Jab covers her Fairy weakness. - Swords Dance / X-Scissor. I went with a team I tried to balance with as many types as I could get, along with some high base stats. Woah. The Diantha look-alike set would be ideal considering Hyper Voice is useless if I Mega Evolve Blaziken, but if you want to invest fully in Gardevoir, go ahead. The dual STAB moves mow down anything that's weak to them, Shadow Ball covers Ghosts, and Thunderbolt is great overall. - Hammer Arm Focus Blast is Steel coverage and Thunderbolt is extra coverage for other types. - Protect. Earthquake, Yep. - Moonblast If you dont have either of these Pokemon, Disarming Voice Ralts and Wing Attack Zubat can easily take down the Gym. TM26 Earthquake can be found in the Sea Floor Cavern. - Flamethrower Manectric is only able to deal with Winona and Wallace with Thunderbolt, and Glacia with Flamethrower. Ralts can be obtained in a horde encounter on Route 104. - Flamethrower Swords Dance boosts its already decent attack and makes it a good physical sweeper, especially when Mega Evolved. Victory Road Wally: Gyarados Ice Fang takes care of Altaria.
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best oras team with swampert 2023