The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". First of all, the scrupulous person will begin with obsession. Its like the thought was there and I let it in. He told me : "Your thoughts will never separate Me from you". But it seems as though I have been dealing with this since I first came to Christ when I was around 12. Many of the clients I work with are very bothered by their blasphemous thoughts because they arent convinced that these thoughts are not from them. When you have sinful thoughts, you may have thoughts and ideas that violate your religious beliefs. [Mt. I'm sorry to tell you this, but in my case this scrupulosity thing really makes me almost want to quit. I did break my promise but in doing so had the sudden blasphemous thought to say 'fuck off to the holy spirit' and then felt rebellious that even if it was unforgiveable to say 'fuck off to the holy spirit rather than not masturbate then I would say this. This post is a blessing and it encourages me to keep going. Mine attacks me when I am reading my Bible or when I am trying to pray or when I am listening to a a sermon or something like that. God very much understands the way obsessive-compulsive brains work, and He will not only help us cope but He also doesnt hold it against us. Glad it could be helpful for you. It terrified me so that I felt I was never able to truly relax in His love on a regular basis. I hate these thoughts , i just want to be close to feeling the love of Jesus Christ the passion of serving him, and the love and everything ! As a BetterHelp affiliate, we may receive compensation from BetterHelp if you purchase products or services through the links provided. I think she needs a doctor. They are actions that you feel will cancel out the bad thought?, So lets see if we can go for five minutes without you blowing any air out and without verbalizing that Chemosh is Lordand next time we will try to go for ten minutes. I have talked to dozens and dozens of others who express the exact same concerns. And many of us know from experience that these stings hurt. Hi, Abraham, I definitely recommend taking the time to read through this entire article for helpful tips. And youre also making sense about those tormenting feelings about possibly losing your salvation or committing the unpardonable sin. JESUS saves you. But the thoughts just come and stick. A friend prayed over me to drive out whatever spirit was attacking me. Thank you for this lesson,,I was terrified with my thoughts before reading this,. Its really frustrating. Despite their wrong doings, God still forgave them, cleansed them, and used them. God bless you! Since then Ive become a threat and the enemy is trying to dim my light. Many Blessings and Healing to you in Jesus name. And the enemy is trying to sow chaos and rob the joy of our salvation. In fact, you cant even be held accountable for your thoughts in a court of law only for actions! Its pointless to engage, because there simply isnt any way to solve it to the level of absoluteness that my brain wants.. I've never fully grasp the love, mercy, grace, understanding, and compassion of God. That's why he states "He who comes to me, I will no wise cast out". John Bunyan, author of the famous Pilgrims Progress, struggled with blasphemous thoughts urging him to deny Christ. These feelings tell me nothing accurate about my spiritual life. Remember also that Jesus Himself endured some very uncomfortable feelings think about what He went through in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus in in infinite wisdom knew people would struggle with this. He read a verse about gluttony, so he began skipping one meal per day. Id encourage you to take a look at it. Heres the passage from Mark: Then the multitude came together again,so that they could not so much as eat bread. This is a type of treatment that involves getting you to face your biggest fear head-on, either through real or imagined exposure. But it is instinctual with us, like Adam and Eve hid in the trees. Since you were fighting the war and putting stress on yourself by doing that, by winning or losing, neither side matters, the thing that matters is that it put an end to the warfare of stress which gave you relief. Id like you think a positive future for me with your powerful mind. They saw the work of Christ and concluded that he was in league with the devil. Like drivers get out of skids or pilots out of a stall (if it's not a Boeing Max). I just turned 50. There is a kind of pseudo-logic that seems to add validity to these concerns about blasphemous thoughts. Please, please, if you are in danger, take yourself to the hospital or ask a family member for help. Then I get numb and feel like God has left me, which I know is not true but can't help the feeling. We treat God as if He is a human being like usI think all of us know complicated people who will unfriend you for talking about that one specific thing that bothers them. But then I almost accidentally said in my mind the Chemosh is Lord, (its like those intrusive thoughts are a back voice and my thoughts are a front voice) and that was in my front voice! One of my favorite stories about non-response is in the passion story. But does a statement like that fit in your worldview? Thus, as with most things in life, we must avoid sinful thoughts, but we should also be careful to avoid the sin of unbelief that ultimately results from sinful thoughts. It would be a denial of my faith!, Oh, hold on hear me out. That is exactly what I experience. If I tell you, whatever you do, dont think about a purple elephant! Of course, you are going to think about a purple elephant! These thoughts absolutely felt 100% real, that I willfully chose them and that there was no hope. So I was like ok woaah so no more of that stuff.later down the road I get more into it I started to watch faith with viaian and got my first bible I LOVED it , it was so fun reading genesis I knew almost nothing of god , I loved telling my mom about the bible exspecially about David Idk why I like David so much I guess I was attracted to his heart ( not in a lustful way just in a awe way) it seemed like he always did the best, I had moments where I felt love in my heart when I would spend one hour listening to warship music studying the word and just having fun coloring my bible (my bible is the inspire praise one), I loved It, fast forward I start to read scripture and the F god came into my head , it would come and go during prayer, but it was when I fasted from yt and tv when the warfare got BAD i did this for lent and jesus heald my moms skin so I fasted from yt a bit longer all the way till april 24 , I could'nt watch tv with out things going wrong , I could have conversation without being in my mind , I could't read or do math yesterday I could't read a sentance and my 9 year old cousin made fun of me , I told people to not cuss infort of me wich honesly is actually good bc I need to gaurd my ears more and through this good has came from it little things have happend where I feel like god is speaking 2 me right now y bigsest promblem is my heart I refuse to repeant bc there is no sorrow in me I dont feel bad and its scaryy but through this ive written so many of my sins down and its like its the holy spirt and somethign in me is telling me god is working in my heart write now that its his bc I told him I want to feel sorry with all my heart when I sin I want to feel sad bc I hurt my father not bc of hell I WANT THAT I want the pain for my father but the LOVE 2 , and I dont like saying "thankyou " eaither bc it seems fake , and I think back when I relised I wasn't always like this I felt GUILT and dicused at my own sin but now when I wrote it down I felt nothingand 2 days ago I got this fear all over my heart to get up out of bed and do my routine of turing on the light to wake up my mom and the stove this is one way I do my lords will is by helping my mom I felt like that was him there were time when I was lazy and tried to take naps but my spirt guied me to my cousin's house and I was doing more of God's will by helping them I loved that day the voices were still kinda there but quiet so I was like huh interesting..Ive also learnd to not jude other I really donlt know other mindsets like I told my mom all of this and she thought I should just cuss back she said and that god knows this is not you so don't feel so sad and I was like ok.that day the voices were VEry quite after that talk I thought it was over and I sang praises to jesus and mary with all my heart and mind it felt so good that lasted 2 days and then after I slipped up and acidenty said Stup*d god and I had a happy heart in me so it felt weird to confesses I still did it and It tho but it felt like my heart left after that hear I am now ,tommowrs the 24 and thats the day I was expecting all of this to leave, and I got on my knees and prayed got on my laptop and got on here the vocies have almost left once I started reading, but my heart feels the same.and I also told got to not delay bc then I would tell me that it was acc all me saiing the things in my head not wafare so mabye thats why he showed me this today Im not sure .I think the worse thing is that i dont feel god sm I feel like I prayed so much Ive lost glimpse of reality . With the intrusive, blasphemous thoughts of OCD, the same rule applies. At one point in my life I did say something really negative towards Jesus (which I regret now).. these thoughts have subsided lately but from time to time they pop up and keep going. 2. You can talk to him about ANYTHING. You can pray like this: dear Lord, I think my motives are pretty messed up, but you knew that already. Your insights are much appreciated. In Jude 1:22, it says on some have compassionbut others save with fear. Different people are drawn by different means. Hi Jamie. In addition, some people experience anxiety and anger when they are confronted with these ideas. A good song to listen to is "Holy Spirit" by Francesca Battistelli. David, I've been there, too. I know who God is and I know my savior even though my mind might try to deceive me otherwise. The book is "Strivings Within - The OCD Christian: Overcoming Doubt in the Storm of Anxiety.". This was caused and triggered by dream I had some time ago. This is what the scribes assumed when they heard Jesus claiming to forgive sins. Thank you for the wonderful article. It is God who gave us desire for companionship. As you walk with God, you're going to fall over and over again, but keep getting back up and walk with Him one day at a time. You and your family. Anyhow I came out stronger and renewed. its gotten to the point where im afraid im not gonna be able to go back.. im starting to feel emotionless and im scared. I still have these thoughts. Christians can commit all kinds of sin, but what marks a Christian is that they dont settle in long term. Oh my I have sm typos the gots I meant god , but I'm sacred my heart has been hardened the only thing that keeps me going is I believe the one who started good work will bring it to completion", I dont want to be lead astray! Many people have the idea that blasphemy is the act of using a curse word against God or resisting the Holy Spirit to some kind of vague point of no return.. Im just trying trying to focus on that. Your eternal life is safe with God despite the annoying blasphemous thoughts, feelings and urges. Without me wanting that.So yeah i think i will burn. Thus, each session with porn/masturbation is essentially functioning as a compulsion. I mess up the words sometimes and then the sentences become things I dont mean. So we get fixated on preventing or arguing with these thoughts. I had never read them before today. And with scrupulosity, we get stuck in this mindset of a slave. But this doesn't mean that it's okay to insult God and Christ. It is also possible that they are not atheists because they believe themselves to be both honest and good people while simultaneously accusing all Christians of being unrighteous people who do evil things. God probably chuckles as He watches us argue over doctrinal points. Since the thought/s are in our mind, different things can easily trigger the thoughts and bring them to the conscious mind. Because i live for Him and for people who love me. I know that I believe in God. If they are backed by evidence from Scripture, and they keep coming back around,it might be God convicting your heart. This article has been such a relief to me. I dont know which option is best suited for me because I am so burned out on thinking about this. I pray strongly everyday 2 to 3 time a day for God to forgive me for my thoughts and dreams. What if these thoughts end up becoming intentional? I was still struggling with sin and on disability, unable to work due to panic attacks. Your strong faith in Jesus is a sign that God is working in you. The same occurs of course whenever I come to a spot in scripture that talks about the Holy Spirit. You keep having blasphemous thoughts. I want to be in Heaven with God one day. I have a sister in Christ who really needs to read this. So just ignore them and move on. But it still is hard. I started to have these thoughts in the beggining of this year, i thought they had passed but they came again after a month. Also, let let me know how youve seen God become more real to you through your struggle with scrupulosity!'s just I can't get my mind off of it it's like my mind has become addicted to The fault it's like I purposely think them now out of habit the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that when the faults come or I also have intrusive speech that when it comes I don't feel happy afterwards I feel miserable but yet my body says I want them I don't know if you've ever fought intrusive speech meaning I will say my blasphemous thoughts under my breath but as in a compulsive manner of which I can't control I will try to cancel them out under my breath constantly want to say them out loud too it's a Non-Stop fight, Not only is my mind against God now but my feelings are against God and mostly the Holy Spirit although they're not mine but with the thoughts come feelings of enjoyment or that I want these thoughts when they're not there it's like I think them purposely just so they'll be there I guess I fought it for so long my mind is become addicted even feelings and then the thoughts come and obviously my depersonalization worsens afterwards and I have to hold on either I can sit or I can take an Ativan to help me it's a Non-Stop mental battle I hate feeling like I want a fault which increases them the more and makes new phrases every second come in my mind thoughts are one thing but feeling like you want them and trying to convince yourself you really don't when you feel so strongly you want them and you want them to be there mostly all against the Holy Spirit I've tried to do erp where I deliberately let it sit there and deliberately engage in the feelings of hatred that I feel and just let what come come..Don't know if you found any of that but I've been through this for years. Hello I want to subscribe to your coaching session but they are sold out. I find that ignoring intrusive thoughts is a good tactic; at times I usually go about my day and ask for forgiveness at night. Its gotten to the point where I began to overthink and literally would feel condemnation and make me believe that I had desires of other stuff and make my question am I really like that ? If you are, I definitely suggest imploring Our Lady's intercession and pray the Rosary it will help with intrusive thoughts and bad thoughts, and strengthen and restore your relationship with God 100%! Does God still love me? I think the hardest step for me is when I feel as though my faith is weak and I am disconnected from God when I call on the Holy Spirit. Ironically, the more anxious one is to please God, the more severe the affliction. Im working on my fourth degree. There is hope for scrupulosity. He draws us; He gives us the spirit of repentance; He writes His law in our hearts so that we yearn to do what is right; He sanctifies us, washes us, cleanses us, guides us in righteousness. We imagine feasting and enjoying the blessing of His presence while the intrusive thoughts (in whatever form you imagine them) watch from nearby. our Lord knows your true heart, He can discern between intrusive thoughts and your true heart for Him. Even when I am reading the Bible I will still feel doubts or questions of him. So two questions, is it Blasphemy if I have blasphemous thoughts, and also was it Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to smile/laugh at his joke. It all started when I read the chapter in Matthew where our Lord Jesus said that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. Of course i think mostly i will burn. I used to get drunk, have premarital sex, smoke pot, chew tobacco, and God helped me through it all when I kept praying for help from Him to do it. Most people with OCD do believe that their intrusive thoughts are meaningful either that they will come true or already have. Intrusive thoughts are the unwanted and repetitive thoughts, images, or urges that come into ones head against their will. I am going to try this method where I have a sorting system in my mind, all these thoughts that are not mine go back where it came from, and the thoughts that are mine come into my brain. I do not like them. I hold to this truth, but the other thoughts are so powerful. I needed this. It was approximately 2 months ago that i have the first scrupulousity attack (was playing games and suddenly i have the thought of betting with the devil), and i fortunately have solved that problem by repeating some mantras("My soul is in GOD's possesion, you cannot take it"). Im sure they will support you and be your biggest cheerleading team! If thoughts have true power, why wouldnt murderers just think their enemies to death instead of going through the immense risk of planning and executing a crime? But most people never act on these thoughts, so they are never actualized in real life. She will mourn and feel sorry for what she thinks was a sinful thought. Over the next few years I cursed God and cursed Jesus because of how my life was. May our Lord Jesus help us in this fight. This is what allows the religious exposure to go forward without violating your conscience. I also do believe that supernatural forces can manipulate our mental and physical medical states. Don't expect a feeling or rapid spiritual recovery. Im glad youre able to relate! Every scrupulous persons biggest fear is, what if that thought was genuinely from me?. She will seek reconciliation and continue trying to please God. Will God forgive blasphemous thoughts toward the Holy Spirit that you what should I do? The same thing is true of the Holy Spirit, he is not divided against himself. Is there a cure for this thought-sounds mix? I have a question. I feel like we are in the same boat. Friends, the reason why we are so scared all the time is because we see ourselves as Judas, a demon, King Saul and the others in the Bible who God has rejected. I also feel a strange thing; like I not able to move my whole body or talk all of a sudden and then those evil thoughts come to life( voices) and they tell me I haven't been forgiven and how mush they hate me and don't want me to be God's ( my father) daughter and sometimes even aske to join the devil in his evil work instead. I am going through this and its mental torment. 30 Apr 2023 15:53:35 As I started doing that, I think I opened myself up to a spirit. The Bible tells us that no one is able to pluck us out of Gods hand. Ocd attacks when I read my Bible (possible trigger warning ), What is the Reformed understanding about experience of the Holy Spirit. It's a shame all the prophetic words spoken over me won't happen. He knows that we're just humans, trying to live right, the key word is trying. But when Hisown people heardabout this,they went out to lay hold of Him,for they said, He is out of His mind., And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said,He has Beelzebub, and, By theruler of the demons He casts out demons.. All these are ridiculous! I thought I was committing a mortal sin. Well I have been dealing with intrusive thoughts for about 13 years. How can I stop them! I'm happy I searched this topic and found your article. Stay the course of casting your dependence wholly on what God does for you rather than what you can figure out in your own mind.
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blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit 2023