Try giving your embassy a ring. not asking to actually go and buy it, but I know that xanax and valium is easily attainable here (under the counter) at many pharmacies. The consumption, distribution, and possession of narcotics and any additive medicines are controlled and monitored by the Thailand Office of Narcotic Boards together with other relevant authorities, such as the police. Though, if caught by the wrong policeman or over-zealous customs official without a prescription, you could get fined. You mean the androgen and anabolic steroid medication? People still travel with this sort of stuff, like bodybuilders who travel with anabolic steroids, but it's not legal in Thailand. Even so, the utilization of the plants requires rigorous control and administration by relevant authorities to prevent any misuse. "Have a wonderful day in your world of judgement. The original will be more expensive, but I'd trust going with what you are used to taking. Submit the application form (see the links below this list). I am leaving Thailand tomorrov and In the store 7 eleven and family mart I have bought medications: TYLENOL (3 packages, every package has 10 medicine in contains paracetomol 500 mg), and I bought MYPARA (also 3x10). She had gone to pick it up for someone else and wasn't even much of a smoker herself. Narcotic Substances: Under Thailands Narcotics Act, certain harmful drugs and substances are listed in different categories. That said, it probably won't cost much. I was planning on taking a few anavar tablets (20 pills) in a multi vitamin tub to Thailand do you think this will be fine? Always better to have all angles covered. For the largest selection of properties in Thailand, and a completely free service, To keep your data secure you should use a VPN when using public WIFI and when accessing internet banking and other sensitive information online. + Next Up: Get Proper Travel Insurance Cover. I can't advise on what stance immigration would take. People accused of possessing or distributing illegal drugs, when incarcerated, have the right to a legal attorney. Being retired and enjoying travel a lot, as well as knowing a number of foreigners and Thais there, I stayed for one month or more in about 20 different places around the country, and never, not once, felt that my safety (or my wife's) was in danger. Is it possible to have a problem in Thailand? I don't know about the anti-anxiety tablets though. Do you know about the status of the drug modafinil?. Some require a permit, and the majority are restricted to 30-days worth in the original packaging and accompanied by the prescription. The Psychotropic Substances Act defines the term "psychotropic substances" as being "such a psychotropic substance which is natural or derived from nature, or synthetic as the Minister notifies in the Government Gazette." I'm going to Thailand for 2weeks 23rd April this month I've had no injections ? For example, Xanex certainly requires a prescription. They probably won't care, but it is my duty to inform you of the law. the name, address, and license number of the prescribing physician And if caught what do you think would happen? Thailand is one of South East Asia's countries with strict drug laws and harsh penalties, especially in cases where large quantities of an illegal substance or drug trafficking is concerned. I am prescribed co-codamol tablets for severe migraines, which contain paracetamol and codeine. Your email address will not be published. In the development of these vital, life-saving measures and other processes, such as the determination of threshold quantities for possession for personal use, civil society and affected communities, particularly people who use drugs, must be meaningfully included in decision-making and monitoring processes to ensure their effective implementation. Just forget about recreational drugs while in Thailand, where theres many legal ways to find joy. I have to bring medications for migraines that are on the narcotics list. Advertisement. I have read the Thai web page about bringing medication into Thailand , they say nothing about bring in Flunitrazepam into the country but further down they talk about taking this medication out of the country , it's listed as a category 2 substance . In their hands were placed incense sticks, flowers and candles. Authorities may also 'seize, restrain or confiscate the proceeds of drug trafficking' in any case, and additionally prosecute offences which took place outside the Kingdom, provided that: As with other countries in Southeast Asia, being convicted of a drug offense in Thailand is a major deal, particularly for foreigners. [8], On 19 October 2003, Thailand officially abolished shooting and adopted lethal injection as the sole means of execution. Will I have trouble getting them? But my advice is to exercise caution and know the law on what you are carrying. Police say drug syndicates from across Europe intend to expand their markets to Asian zones, which means drug dealers have to change smuggling methods often. I require to have 40 days supply of medication with me and have checked the various medications and if I only carry 30 days supply could bring them into Thailand without the need to declare them provided they are in original packing and I carry the prescription and doctor's letter. While most police couldnt care less that you are obsessed with making yourself look like the incredible hulk, you could still get fined if you don't have a prescription. You will need to submit a 'carry in' form. The bottom line is that viagra requires a prescription in Thailand, but of course people buy it under the counter and carry it back home. People and places positively benefit from community development initiatives. I am leaving for Thailand and Vietnam in 1 week. Can it be bought from one of the many modafinil online sellers which ship from a foreign country?. You will need this to be cleared using the relevant documentation as noted in this post before coming in with that. GUIDANCE FOR TRAVELLERS UNDER TREATMENT CARRYING PERSONAL MEDICATIONS CONTAINING NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCE INTO/OUT OF THAILAND: The Food and Drug Administration of Thailand lays down the guidelines to be followed by the travelers in and out the country in cases where they will carry with them medications which contain prohibited narcotics or substances. If the pharmacist is off duty there will be a sign covering the pharmacy medicines claiming that they can't be sold until they return. I carry Pea Protein quite often. I am going to Thailand for surgery in December 2016 so I'm trying to do this sooner than later. If you plan on staying in Thailand, you will also be in debt to the local police, and no one wants to be in that position. Thank you. With that in mind do you still think a letter from my doctor along with the prescription bottle would be sufficient? Yes, no problem. Drug Laws in Thailand | Thailand Law As for the supplements, these all seem to contain natural ingredients, so no worries there. But be extra careful when transitting through china. Its better to avoid mentioning them altogether. Hi I will be traveling to Thailand in 12days time. I am from india and we fiends are traveling and can I carry basic pill for headache, cold or stomach acj? Bring a letter with you from your doctor that details your condition. I'm sure you'll be fine to bring in 2 month's worth on your first trip, as no one will know the difference. My husband taking pramipexole and ferrous fumarate for leg cramps. Hi I wear a buprenorphine patch 5mcg. Are those ok? Hi mate, I enjoy taking modafinil for focus, it's not on the restricted lists, it's somewhat of a stimulant, used primarily for narcolepsy patients and sometimes shift work sleep disorder. Sentencing guidelines have been outlined for Courts to prioritise rehabilitation over imprisonment, and to take account of a defendants individual circumstances, such as the nature of their use, the environment in which they use, care-taking responsibilities, physical and mental state or the need to use in order to carry out certain tasks, in determining their sentence. And where would I find a local doctor? I am glad to have found your threads about drug laws. The herbal meds are fine, as long as you're 100 percent sure on the ingredients! 2522 Quick question; is it still as easy as going to the local pharmacy to buy steroids over counter? I have 5 days of zopliclone and travelling back to the uk . is this legal? Be sure to consult our property lawyers before doing so. Is it advisable to carry these without prescription? Capital punishment for drug trafficking - Wikipedia Consequently, Thai authorities decided to reform the drug law and seek a different approach. [5], One convict, a woman who had organised a kidnapping, was put on the cross twice as she survived the first volley. Examples of narcotic drugs in Category 2 according to The Narcotics Act B.E. Thank you so much. Editorial: Harsher penalties won't save us from fentanyl - Los Angeles How Thailand take ove from death penalty for drugs, to legalize - BBC [13] Another survey indicated that 41% wanted to retain the death penalty as a sentencing option. How much can I bring back legally to the uk? See here: just wondering if ADHD medicine (concerta) is ok, You get caught with any contemporary stimulantsMethylphenidate, dextroamphetamine, amphetamine sulfate it is prison, This isnt entirely true. Some sites do provide a prescription don't they? It contains both loratadine (an antihistamine) and pseudoephedrine (a nasal decongestant) over the counter? I am going back to Philippines for a vacation this April and my friends in Phil. Category II: Ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine, medicinal opium; Hi I live in the Philippines and this is the first time I will be visiting Thailand and I found out that it is possible to purchase Kamagra oral jelly at pharmacies since Kamagra is not locally available I would like to bring back maybe a box or two (a box contains 50 sachets) back home would there be any issues with Thailand customs? The majority of people who get caught with hard drugs go to prison. Cannabis and hemp used to be under Category V of illegal narcotics under Thai law before they were decriminalized. If the quantity is 100 grams of a pure substance or more, this will be regarded as possession for the purpose of disposal, Six months to three years or a fine of 10,000 60,000 Baht or both for consumption, From 2-15 years imprisonment and a fine of 200,000 1,500,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation, From 2-10 years imprisonment or a fine of 40,000 200,000 Baht or both for disposal or possession for the purpose of disposal. I am trying to access their website to get the permit to apply but it just says under construction. no one is telling you to smoke a crack pipe in front of a cop. Is she okay to take these with her unchallenged, and if not, can she obtain them once in Thailand? I don't take any risks when travelling. Tamoxifen. The individuals are encouraged to attend a treatment facility and undergo rehabilitation depending on the amount of drugs possessed and other conditions. Tangaraju Suppiah, a 46-year-old . Hi Rachael,Sorry for the delayed reply, I missed this. quantity not exceeding 30 days of prescribed usage when accompanied by a certificate/medical prescription from the prescribing physician.The certificate/medical prescription from the prescribing physician must indicate: I guess you'll have to get people to bring a supply out when they visit you, and perhaps try your luck at brining 60-days worth when you visit home. People do take it back with them but it isn't legal without a prescription. This is a controlled drug so you'll need to follow the guidelines. You can add a micro-donation to the project of your choice when you buy travel insurance. The misspelling of "heroin" was actually made by the Thai authorities (they created the table). Thanks. I am on pre-gablin a generic form of Lyrica. I'm getting worried. To be honest, even without the prescription evidence, if you only have small amount I'm sure no one would give you a hard time. Under the Narcotics Act of Thailand, narcotics are classified into five categories such as: Category I: Dangerous narcotics such as heroine; Category II: Ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine, medicinal opium; Category III: Narcotics which are in form of medicinal formula and contain narcotics of Category II as ingredients in accordance with rules prescribed by Minister and published in the Government Gazette. In my bungalow a lady gave me a package of PARACETOMOL package when I had a headache. I don't know the exact medications he takes but you can check on their status using the link to the help page in the article above. Hello my name is Kimberly, nice to meet you. Am I allowed to carry antibiotics for animals into Thailand. There's more than a few ways to fall ill in Thailand. I presume these people fly back with these drugs and don't have an issue.You need to check on the rules of your home country and find out what the law is around bringing prescription drugs into the country. As long as it contain natural ingredients and no amphetamine or testosterone or anything like that. Will I be ok taking nitrofuranton 100mg prescribed antibiotics (14 capsules). Why even take a risk with clearly tyrannical laws like this? Note that this prescription will not be covered under your medical insurance. hi im going to pattaya for a week with prob 7 mirtazapine tablets do i need to apply for anything for these? For general queries please email us at: But if this does occur, then at least producing a photocopy and phone photo of your passport will help greatly. Please follow the links in the post on how to do that. Is this ok to bring in and not fill in the application? I don't take chances with drugs, recreational or prescription, in Thailand. Thanks very much! The traveler is not allowed to sell nor supply medications to another. This may impact the mood or behaviors of those who consume them and as commonly known, narcotics have the potential to be addictive. Your "Click here" links are not working, they produce the '404 error'' code, page not found. Is those tablets I have mentioned safe to bring on the airport? Thailand has a reputation as a steroid haven for bodybuilders, with all sorts of body-enhancing drugs available over the counter. Primarily, drug cases in Thailand are governed by the Narcotics Act, the Psychotropic Substance Act, and the Drugs Act. Is it legal to bring sildenafil citrate ( viagra) and depoxitine with me. You have this already. Trafficking of ecstasy is considered a crime under the 1979 Narcotics Act, which carries a maximum penalty of death. Thailand is known to be strict when it comes to drug related cases. With this you will be fine. If it's a small amount then perhaps, but expect to have problems if you are carry loads. I will be on vacation 15 days in August! I don't even drink much, but maybe once a year on average a few beers. A person who has applied for treatment, complied with criteria and conditions set by the rehabilitation committee, and obtained a certificate from the head of the treatment facility is exempt from this provision. I would imagine that your friend will have no problems because he requires these meds for his condition and cannot live without them. Yes, it's illegal. I dont want my pain medication confiscated. Capital punishment in Thailand is a legal penalty, and the country is, as of 2021, one of 54 nations to retain capital punishment both in legislation and in practice. The penalties increase for overstays of more than one year (three-year ban), more than three years (five-year ban) and more than five years (10-year ban). The website Weed in Thailand lists more than 4,000 businesses across the country selling cannabis and its derivatives. However, if you are concerned, go to your local doctor and get a letter too. If it is okay, are you limited as to how many can be taken in. In some instances you may be asked to pay a token amount of money to make things go away, at which point that is for you to consider. Is the stance on codeine and rohypnol the same? Where is this information from?Categories 2,3,4 include: Are these allowed and do they require the special permit. Hi can you help me please, can i take methotrexate in pen form injections into Thailand, i do have an old letter from the hospital , as proof , thank you. Bring the prescription with you if possible. [4], During the Rattanakosin period, Thailandthen called Siamwas under the "Law of the Three Seals", also called Kotmai Tra Sam Duang. Like many countries in Asia, Thailand has strict drug laws. You can just see a local doctor, pay 500 Baht and get the prescription if necessary. If you are unsure, you should check with your local Thai embassy before travelling. I really don't know. They may take them off you if found, or ask to see a prescription. Narcotics have been described by Narcotics Act to include any form of chemicals or substances which upon being consumed may cause physiological or mental effect. I am travelling to Thailand in November and will stay there for 17 nights, I will then travel to Japan and onto the Philippines before returning to UK. I am not a pharmacist and cannot properly advise on the ingredients of drugs. Social rehabilitation programmes will be based on criteria, procedures, and conditions to be determined by the Minister of Public Health, with approval from Drug Rehabilitation Committee. Raw foods would be a concern. + Get Health Insurance Seen it so many times. any supplements such as B12 or other vitamin type supplements are absolutely fine. If you go through customs with the wrong drug, or get stopped and searched and caught with something you shouldnt have, a great trip could quickly descend into a nightmare. Thai woman accused of murdering 12 friends in cyanide poisonings Historically, laws that govern illegal or prohibited drugs have been enacted since 1360. I use it and so do many of my readers. These are illegal without a prescription. Your body will thank you for it in years to come. Your info about Anabolic Steroids is incomplete, unconfirmed misinformed and completely incorrect. Thai drug smuggling in Thailand Crime Thailand. Bring a doctor's letter and the original prescription, just in case. Thailand has the death penalty for serious crimes, including murder, attempted murder and rape. Hi Paige, I'm not entirely sure. Oxymetholone is also Thai FDA approved made by a Thai company. Are these drugs legally available in Thailand? Of course it is, but being retired from U.S. federal law enforcement, I know that the U.S. is not exactly a safe place. No one will count the pills out, I'm sure. prescribed for the patient's treatment Please note that I am not a pharmacist and therefore do not know the law for individual medicines. My feeling is that they may do a long-term prescription but with the condition that you buy the prescription from the hospital - where it is more expensive.Most people go to pharmacies. Find out how to stay safe with these tips. In Bangkok, it was a search near Asok station as I was walking to meet a friend for a drink. You could also just take enough to cover you in Thailand, though tbf most medications are readily available there as well as in Australia. I want my readers to enjoy Thailand, not end up in jail - even if only for a night. The latter has codeine in it. The author isnt saying run or not to live a little. confirm the patients legal authorization to carry those medications for I order it from, as I don't have a prescription but it's not on the restricted list and I think not FDA approved in Thailand, can I order it into Thailand via post? I need to take it every day to prevent another blood clot occurring and likely death. Plus readily available at the local Boots. well I can buy tramadol at my local pharmacy any time without a prescription no corruption in Thailand ha ha ha. Thailand's War On The Growing Problem Of Female Drug Addiction I have contacted them to get the permit and they haven't been very responsive, so not sure what to do here. Can I bring it through customs in its unopened package? I take alot of supplements and vitamins. We are travelling to Phuket this week, we take a paracetamol and codeine pain tablet that you purchase over the counter in a Perth chemist. And it was no problem, only for personal use they told me. Notable changes include: The amendments establish a new category of offence as a serious drug offence which includes production, import, export, distribution, and possession of drugs, except possession for personal use, as well as conspiring, supporting, assisting, or attempting to commit such offences. Nomad Ronan offers his tips on Thai culture, how to save money, how to stay safe, useful Thai phrases to learn, and the best time of year to go to Thailand. Personal use (of category I, II and V substances, e.g. I will be taking in simvastatin for high cholesterol in original packaging and my prescription for two weeks am I required to have a permit. My GP advised me I no longer need a letter as long as the medications are in the box with my name and the prescribers name. Ive searched through all the internet, and the links you posted, but I couldnt find any info about Phenibut maybe you know if I can take it for my personal use and if its even legal in Thailand? With a prescription, yes. Is it still possible to buy xanax / diazepam in Sukhumvit / Bankgok or Ko Samui? Other than the form, carry the prescription on you and obtain a doctor's letter just in case. the posology and total amount of medications prescribed Thanks! PDF Thailand: Time to abolish the death penalty - Amnesty International There's certainly no slap on the wrist for getting caught with a small amount of cocaine or a few pills. Im flying to Hong Kong and London then sweden. I have a letter from doctor but is this ok? but I assume a lot of those websites aren't. If you don't intend on answering questions, why did you write the article ya old ******. What type of slimming pills? So do not, in any circumstances, say anything negative about Thailands monarchy while youre in the country. Consult our corporate lawyers before setting up your limited company in Thailand. Once my 30 day supply is up how do I get my meds? I see a lot of people, particularly those from the UAE, in pharmacies buying huge quantities of particular drugs - presumably because they are cheaper than their home country. Sorry Aaron, I have no idea. Is it legal or not. Foreigners who are found guilty of drug offenses may face serious legal problems and be extradited to their home countries. She spent a two weeks in the slammer as a suspected dealer and was then released pending a court date, unable to leave the island.Okay, so you can get a lawyer and perhaps pay your way out, but what if you don't have the money? The ones that the market stools carry are completely fake! Technically you might need a prescription here but believe me when i tell you the police and customs have many more important things to do then intercept a few painkillers in an envelope. Thai Criminal Drug Law - Ratchada Law Firm Food poisoning medication, is very common, so I can't see that being an issue. If you read through the document I have linked in the post, you should be able to determine whether these medicines are okay or not. Many thanks. I have birth control, anxiety, UTI, and food poisoning meds. I'll be glad if you could help. It is positive to see reforms that reduce terms of imprisonment and fines while promoting the use of alternative measures to incarceration. At the end of the day, you need it. and when I go home to my country, can I carry it also? Confirm this with your doctor before you leave. Siam Legal has a team of foreign legal professionals from America, Europe and Asia who are committed to extend impeccable service to its foreign clientele. I've not ordered like that before but I was told that by a friend. Category 2: ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine or medicinal opium. hello , I wanted to know if the daparox ( paroxetine ) is illegal in Thailand ! When I check for cannabis oil (CBD) I get this response: I am on fentanyl patches for a spinal and nerve disorder. Threw them out . Such "psychotropic substances" are classified into 4 categories, known in the Act as Schedules. If all the details are printed on the box I'm sure that should be fine. [1] The pharmacy on the crossroads as you come round onto Chaweng high street (the one way bit) sells all that stuff. Just travel with no more than 30-days worth of each and take along the doctor's prescription. I'm a little confused. There are a number of considerations to make before committing into purchasing Thailand Real Estate. Specifically: When an authorised officer, including an ONCB official, administrative official, or police, suspects that a person has used, or is in possession, of a category I, II or V substance, the officer shall refer the person to a medical facility for treatment. All the medications available in chain pharmacies are allowed to be sold to the public only from the pharmacist no prescription is required. One of the issues in Thailand when it comes to drug law enforcement is the large number of prisoners who were incarcerated due to various drug charges from personal abuse cases to drug trafficking. Until a new local police chief decided the monthly stipend wasn't enough and sent a message by raiding the bar and arresting the handful of foreigners smoking weed inside. I empty it into a plastic sealer bag, which makes it looked suspicious but it's legal. I don't understand though-how are co codamol available to buy over the counter in Thailand when they contain codeine? Popular with partygoers in the 1990s, consumption moved to the working class as the cost of the. personal use. "! He is also required to present the document or medical certificate upon entry to the Red Channel and upon exit to the Custom VAT Refund. I'll give you kratom; my bad. As Thailand grows and develop, its laws toward drug related activities have also been amended to conform to the existing conditions of the country. Appearance wise I am smart and polite. Just travel with 30-days worth and if you need more buy some there. For example, for category I drugs such as heroin and methamphetamine, a serious drug offence could lead to a maximum of 15 years imprisonment and THB1.5 million fine (instead of 10 years life imprisonment and a THB1 million 5 million fine for production, import and export, and; life imprisonment and THB 1 million 5 million fine or the death penalty if the offence was for the purpose of distribution, under previous laws). [9], The most recent execution occurred on 18 June 2018, when the death sentence of a 26-year-old man guilty of robbery resulting in death was carried out. If the meds are controlled you need to speak to the FDA. Yes, codeine is fine. I am travelling to Thailand for two weeks and I want to know if carrying prescription narcotics in a marked bottle might cause problems for me. Death penalty imposition for drugs in Singapore varies drastically from nearby countries. Where drug crimes are concerned, there are exceedingly strict penalties. I have no idea what this is Please read the guidelines (linked in the post) to see what category the medicine falls into. Note that the officials must have reasonable grounds to believe that delaying any search in order to obtain a warrant would result in the escape of any suspects, or the substances in question being hidden, destroyed or in some other way "transformed", To search any person or vehicle if there are reasonable grounds to suspect they are carrying or hiding illegal drugs, To enter and search premises without a warrant (having reasonable grounds for suspicion) and order a person or a group of people to undergo "on the spot" drug tests (under provisions of the fifth amendment of the Narcotics Act), To arrest any person involved in the commission of any offence related to illegal drugs, To seize any illegal drugs or any property being used or intending to be used in the commission of offences relating to narcotics or such that may be used in evidence, To search under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, To make inquiries regarding suspects alleged to be involved in offences relating to narcotics, To issue a letter of enquiry or a summons to any person or official of any Government agency to give a statement or submit an account, document or material for examination, The offender or any accomplice is a Thai national or has a place of residence in Thailand, The offender is an alien and intends its consequence to occur within the Kingdom or the Thai Government is the injured person, The offender is an alien and such act is an offence under the law of the State in the jurisdiction of which the offence is committed, if such offender has appeared in the Kingdom and has not been extradited under the law on extradition.
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