The days 16 - 18 June 1940 were really vital to what happened in France, because it was when De Gaulle was trying to get the French Government to continue fighting the war, and Ptain took over and asked the Germans for an Armistice. WW2 Army Units and Sizes | World War 2 Facts Almost the last sight of land which we had before going out into the Atlantic Ocean was the coast of County Antrim, Northern Ireland, where my wife, Hazel, was then living and where she stayed for most of the war. However all good things must come to an end, so we left Poona and travelled by troop train across India to Ranchi in the State of Bihar, which was to be our home for the best part of a year, with a few short breaks. The hotel served the best curry we had ever tasted. Bn. It shifted to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in July 1942, before fighting in Burma from November 1943 onwards. 20 The battalion took part in the raid on Dieppe on 19 August 1942. Another of the companies reached the north bank of the Somme and were engaged in mortar machine gun and rifle exchanges with the Germans. The 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment is a field artillery battalion assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. There had been some severe fighting around Marjayoun, a nearby village, but after our arrival the main area of battle moved to the Coastal strip and, apart from twice daily shelling by the Vichy French forces, the only activity on the ground was infantry patrolling in the surrounding villages mostly at night. This infantry regiment was formed in 1881. The 4th Border group that took the train was headed by Captain J.L. During the siege, after being the Western Desert Force the Division became the 70th British Division. First of all we had no cover and just lay and slept in the open excepting when we were in the Naga villages and managed to get some shelter from the veranda type fronts of their wooded buildings. By 1920, all of the regiment's war-raised battalions had disbanded. 4th (Westmoreland & Cumberland) Battalion, Border Regiment in the that Tobruk Force, as we were called, would make diversionary incidents on the night of November 18th and that the real assault would be by the 8th Army to relieve Tobruk, which they expected would be on November 20th. The National Army Museum works with a network of Regimental and Corps Museums across the UK to help preserve and share the history and traditions of the Army and its soldiers. In the Army reforms of 1881, the 4th Kings Own Royal Regt was territorially affiliated to Lancaster, and recruited in Furness and North Lancashire. I know what you mean about the problems of getting information, David, when you are not either the person who served in the Forces or their Next of Kin. those of the BBC. The following article has been submitted to the BBC "People's War" website on behalf of Mr Hutchinson. As casualties were left for my attention, I and my orderly marched at the rear of the column and, rather than be left behind, we carried the casualtys pack ourselves as well as our own, and it sometimes happened that I arrived at the midday or evening rendezvous with two 80 lb. They became part of Brigadier Orde Wingates Chindit Long Range Penetration (LRP) groups. Similar to 1 SAI, 4 SAI's mechanised leaders followed the same training route all students attended the course until the Section Leaders Phase had been completed. Loyal Edmonton Regiment - Wikipedia It is no longer possible to leave messages here. We set sail down the Bristol Channel on 21st March. They were small, around 5 ft. in height, but wiry and capable of running up and down hills with heavy loads. As winter was approaching the Bn. WO 169 / 1705 4th Battalion, The Border Regiment We subsequently moved across the Ganges to Muzzaffapur, where H.Q. Disembarking, they moved to El Quassasin by rail. The Special Reserve reverted to its militia designation in 1921, then to the Supplementary Reserve in 1924; however, its battalions were effectively placed in 'suspended animation'. However I have been to Rennes, visited his grave and spoke to some local people. The two platoons set up two roadblocks outside the village and H.Q. The Luftwaffe harassed the evacuation which is when your uncle was unfortunately killed. Her ended the war of the 4th Battalion, The Border Regiment. This immediately changed the role of 23rd Brigade. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not After an uneventful journey through the Suez Canal, with a visit to Simon Artz store in Port Said, and a few days lying in Gibraltar Harbour, we arrived at Greenock. This was a regimental formation of men drawn from the towns and villages of Cumberland and Westmorland: Carlisle, Penrith,. Moving off into the town street fighting began. The only change to the regiment's structure during the period of 18811908 occurred in 1900, when a new volunteer battalion was raised, namely the 3rd (Cumberland) Volunteer Battalion. Over the six-month period, the Bn. It was like Beau Geste excepting instead of arriving on camels, they came in the latest American cars. Bangalore was a comfortable station where we were in a semi-permanent camping site but where I discovered that I was suffering from amoebic dysentery. Again, the problem is finding the right person. Organised as "rifle volunteer corps", they were independent of the British Army and composed primarily of the middle class. 4th Battalion, The Border Regiment As World War II approached, the Territorial Army was reorganised in the mid-1930s, many of its infantry battalions were converted to other roles, especially anti-aircraft. Whilst we were there, we received the news that, on its return from its exploits behind the Japanese lines in Burma, Gen. Wingates Chindit force of one brigade was going to be absorbed into what became Special (Chindit) Force India. Normal infantry training was resumed and included two weeks jungle warfare training, which gave us a welcome change of location from our camp area. R.E. Five of the new Victoria Crosses were awarded to the regiments. Regimental Orders. After a week or two of rest at railhead, during which malaria began to take its toll, we once more entrained for the long journey back to our old haunt Bangalore. Faulkner James Edward . They were also given the task of relieving the Black Watch Battalion who were in the village of Incheville. Often for this kind of enquiry I've asked at the Town Hall and someone there can usually know where to start or who to contact. List of battalions of the Border Regiment - Wikipedia Little in the way of operations were carried out, though the battalion did march to Shabe Bazar and B company was sent to a supposed area of Japanese activity at Taung Bazar, but despite active patrolling no contact was made with the Japanese. Archive List > United Kingdom > Hereford and Worcester. Subsequently we found that this Col. Blimp and N.W. It then fought its way up through Italy, before returning to England in November 1943. The best of luck to you, and thanks again!. During these engagements the H.Q. H.Q. But even so, the fighting patrols still went out, many of them at night. No escort could be provided but all casualties evacuated by these means arrived safely at Brigade H.Q.. The 2 Kings Own were flown into Broadway on March 10, 1944 and flew out from Myitkyina on July 26, having marched and fought over 1,100 miles behind the Japanese lines. had. In any case, I hope you find out what happened. The 4th Regt particularly distinguished themselves at San Sebastian in Northern Spain in 1813, where they were instrumental in breaching the wall of the town. 2 Border fought in the withdrawal from the Kabaw Valley to the Shenam Pass, where many engagements for the defence of Imphal in April/May, 1944 took place; 9 Border fought with 17 Div. The Border Regiment's expansion during the Second World War was modest compared to 19141918. Thoroughly enjoyed it. The 1st Battalion 7th Infantry Regiment and the 4th Battalion 7th Infantry Regiment (from Aschaffenburg, Germany) patrolled the Czechoslovakia border with Germany for years in preparation for war with The Soviet Union (USSR . where they had an airstrip. We set off up the hill to join a track running into the village. With the 34 Column of 4th Battalion Border Regiment, they departed from Mokokchung on 22 April having begun building the airstrip there as described in the previous Blog. at this time. During World War II, the regiment fought German forces on three fronts, North Africa, Italy, and Northwest Europe. Hello Joseph, At this time things were going well in the second Wavell offensive and the Bn. After returning from the Crimea the 34th were soon on their way to India as reinforcements to fight in the Indian Mutiny. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. As an example, the three-line battalions of the 4th Borderers were numbered as the 1/4th, 2/4th, and 3/4th respectively. In 1947, 1st Battalion moved to Palestine. 2nd Battalion, Yorkshire and Lancashire Regiment Although up to recent years they have been head-hunters, when we were amongst them, they behaved in a civilised and friendly manner and each village had a detached Christian village where those who were converted went to live and they all lived amicably if separately. No ground action was experienced by the Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment, 4th . The South Saskatchewan Regiment - This infantry regiment was created in 1881. I sourced a 1960 local newspaper article, in French, which gives the best account of June 1940 events in Rennes that I have so far found. The Border Regiment | National Army Museum Pte. War Diaries - Pegasus Archive The regiment lost over 7,700 men during the war. We did not go ashore there, nor at Cape Town, where we lay off Table Mountain for a day, but we had four very pleasant days in Durban, entertained royally by the very hospitable residents. At the end of the training period, the battalion was not only highly trained in jungle and Chindit operations but, with the constant exercise and increased rations, was very fit. Bangalore was a fine town and the climate was temperate for India. BBC - WW2 People's War - 4 Bn. The Border Regiment The fighting took place in Picardy, Artois and finally in Normandy. As the troops were pretty tired from lack of sleep and the exertions of the two days march, I doled out a dose of Benzedrine tablets, which had a miraculous effect in shrugging off the inertia. "Now little remembered, regarded and even by-passed in the history of the time, there were men who fought on in France after the main force of the B.E.F. In October 1940 I joined 4 Border at Kington Camp, Hereford, where I had been posted as Regimental M.O., following my officer recruitment training at RAMC Depot, Crookham, Aldershot. The Bn. This story has been placed in the following categories. Thank you for your detailed reply to my query and I await any further information. Part of the new brigade was the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment. Alongside this, the 4th (Militia) Battalion was also disbanded in 1908. Unfortunately, this book doesn't specifically mention the train incident that your uncle lost his life. These patrols included the entering of the Vichy French village of Mergyioun and taking prisoners. As patrolling was the means of harassment of the Japanese, I will describe one patrol, which I accompanied. On forming up we travelled by train to railhead further south and then by road to Bawli Bazar. Border Regiment - Wikipedia This article was written by my father to record his personal experiences of WW2. The regiment assaulted Utah Beach on 6 June 1944, as part of VII Corps in the D-Day Invasion, and arrived in the vicinity of Pavenoville, France by the end of D-day. When we had an airdrop, with five days rations, our packs weighed 80 lbs., which, along with the troops equipment and weapons was a considerable weight to carry up and down the hills. The Bn. To give the reader some idea of the preparedness for, and the attitude of the British Indian Establishment, it is of interest to relate that the first action of the authorities was to try to carry out a customs examination of a mobilised British division arriving in the country complete with weapons and transport from a war zone to a potential war zone. Mr Hutchinson has written the article which was then sent it in to BBC Radio Cumbria, Carlisle. In 1756, the 4th and 34th were both included in the small garrison on the island of Minorca. Some days afterwards the Bn. I think he was one of the Burgess newspaper family so he may have written his memoirs somewhere. He was R.M.O. 4th Battalion (Territorial Force) Border Regiment (Cumberland The 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment was reactivated on 16 October 2009 in Germany as part of the 170th Infantry . Carrying the lineage of Battery C, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, the battalion carries campaign streamers from World War I, World War II, and Vietnam, and has served with the 4th Infantry Division and . Find out how you can use this. 6 Royal Ulster Rifles, (T.A.) They were referred to as the New Army or Kitchener's Army. referenced. At one time or another these units were part of the garrison: 1st Royal Northumberland Fusiliers (Machine Guns) National Defence Companies were combined to create a new "Home Defence" battalion. The regiment mobilized 'The South Saskatchewan Regiment, CASF' for active service on 1 September 1939. Over a period of a few days, an army veterinary team removed the vocal chords of the brigades mules under anaesthetic without causing much distress to the mules, which were given 10 days convalescence and seemed none the worse for their operations, which were a big success. At the time of the merger, 1st Battalion was in India. and after a night in the open, we rejoined the complete column. It continued in British Army service until the 1881 reforms, when it was amalgamated with the 34th (Cumberland) Regiment of Foot to form The Border Regiment. On the retreat of the German / Italian Forces, the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment occupied the airfield of El Adem. But it was in the Napoleonic wars, and particularly in the Peninsula War that the regiment gained its battle honours. [13] Due to the daytime (or shift working) occupations of the men in the LAA troops, the troops required eight times the manpower of an equivalent regular unit.[14]. and in 1944, fought at Arnhem. and A.E.R. This would have prevented later train traffic. My email address is and I would really appreciate any information to that address post the closure. From Brest, they went by ship to Southampton, where they arrived on the morning of June 18th 1940. troops and travelled by road and rail down through Beirut, Tyre and Sidon to Haifa, where we entrained and eventually ended up at Amyriah transit camp west of Alexandria. It deployed to the Western Front in March 1916, remaining there for the rest of the conflict. The 8th Army eventually arrived on December 8th and we were subsequently transported back by truck to railhead at Buq Buq and then in goods wagons to a transit camp in the Canal Zone of Egypt, from which we were given four days leave in the fleshpots of Cairo, especially Shepherds Hotel and the Mena House at the Pyramids. The battalion, nicknamed the Magnificent Bastards, is based out of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California and are a part of the 5th Marine Regiment and 1st Marine Division. On the night of 19th March, the Bn. Here we took over from 2/13 Bn. As M.O., I had my own difficulties. On the 1st December 1945 the Battalion amalgamated with the 4th Battalion, taking on the name of the latter. Attached on arrival to Poona Brigade in 6th (Poona) Divisional Area. I might point out that 4 Border was in peacetime a Territorial Army unit, in other words part-time soldiers and there were still a considerable number of T.A. Pte. Timeline of WW2 Raiders EXPLORE THE TIMELINES BELOW . 4th Raider Battalion designated as 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. KOSB A1/1& 2. Moved to the West Indies to counter the French threat, the 4th and 55th share the battle honour St. It was the last east-bound convoy before the liner was converted to troop carrying and the accommodation was of the 1st Class passenger variety, as was the food, though the troops mess decks were fairly cramped. 01 FEB 44; 21 July - 10 AUG 44 ; 01 APR 45- 22 JUN 45; 19 FEB 45; 01 FEB 44. Nowhere in the Naga Hills was there 50 yards of flat terrain. David G. We haven't had a message back from Mr Hutchinson yet I'm afraid. column from 8th Army arrived but was quickly cut off by the enemy and had to remain in Tobruk. that day. It also served in the Sudan and China in the 1920s, and in India again throughout the 1930s. Cartwright John. Then, in 1966, the first three battalions of the 8th deployed to Vietnam, fighting in 9 campaigns and . Many men from 'D Company' of the Borders were killed or captured. lost a Company as POWs in France but was made up by the time they re-assembled at Kington Camp, including quite a number of newly commissioned officers. This infantry regiment was formed in 1959. List of Royal Armoured Corps Regiments in World War II The latter service included punitive expeditions against the tribesmen of the North-West Frontier. At the same time, the 34th Cumberland and the 55th Westmorland Regts became the 1st and 2nd Bns The Border Regt. Whilst 1 Border served in BAOR and Berlin, the Kings Own served in Aden and Kenya. Moved to billets in Blackpool. The 4th and 5th landed with the Army in the Crimea in 1854 and fought at the Battles of Alma and Inkerman. 'Orontes' bound for Suez. It continued in British Army service until 1959, when it merged with The King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) to form The King's Own Royal Border Regiment. Just then the monsoon broke and all military operations became static. As an example, the three-line battalions of the 4th Borderers were numbered as the 1/4th, 2/4th, and 3/4th respectively. Leaving the desert, the 70th Division, including the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment, were now went to India and Burma. 2/4th (Cumberland and Westmorland) Battalion Formed at Kendal in September 1914 as a home service ("second line") unit. When the breakout came, more aggressive raids began, until they were relieved by the Polish Carpathian Division. 18 It was redesignated '1st Battalion, The South Saskatchewan Regiment, CASF' on 7 November 1940, 19 and on 15 December 1940 it embarked for Great Britain. The German invaders over-ran Rennes on Tuesday 18th June and currently I have an account of their initial arrival and occupation in translation. However, as I was in the Cumbria Archives Office today I went to check a reference book I knew was in there with a little about 4th Border Regiment in WW2 ('The Story of the Border Regiment' by Philip J. Shears). The Territorial Force (later Territorial Army) was formed in 1908, which the volunteer battalions joined, while the militia battalions transferred to the "Special Reserve". Exactly how many were killed in this evacuation I am unsure, but all together, with the Lancastria, other ships and on the trains it must have been 2000+. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible". Platoon killed 30 Japanese and wounded 10 more and suffered two casualties only. All the RAF and British troops were tehn withdrawn, and there was this mad dash to get to the ports. They had not been informed as to our whereabouts. It was still there two years later, when it was amalgamated with the Kings Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) to form the Kings Own Royal Border Regiment. It deals with the experiences of the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment during World War Two. Unfortunately for this account I do not have contact details for Mr Hutchinson personally. The 4th Battalion of the Borders were given the task of clearing the woods that were partially held by the Germans. In 1857 they fought at the Relief of Lucknow. A. The regiment captured an Imperial Chinese Dragon Standard which hangs in Kendal Church, and was awarded the Dragon as a regimental badge. Moving out from the Brittany towns of Brest, Morlaix and St Malo, and then finally arriving at Aumale, the 4th Border was allotted the task of capturing three bridges west of Amiens on the River Somme. On one occasion I was present in Djerablus for a conference with the Mayor of the town and a gathering of Bedouin sheikhs. was ordered to move along the perimeter road that the Italians had built during the siege and press on towards El Adam Aerodrome. to a Company at an airfield at Side Barrani, where a roving Messerschmidt attacked us. It continued in British Army service until the 1881 reforms, when it was amalgamated with the 55th (Westmorland) Regiment of Foot to form The Border Regiment. Our force consisted of two platoons and a headquarters platoon. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. However, 21 days in 38th British General Hospital in Bangalore and a fortnights convalescent leave in Ootacomund, a very popular hill station in peace time with quite a colony of permanent British residents, soon put me on my feet and I never looked back. to Ceylon. We arrived in the early hours of the morning at the Christian village of Phakedzumi, where the inhabitants gave us hot tea. I was unlucky enough to develop malaria, but, as I carried plenty of Mepacrine tablets, I treated the attacks myself and did not go to hospital. Delhi, hence Louis Mountbattens action on arrival to take command of S.E.A.C. It then spent two years in Somaliland, before returning to Britain in 1950, where it merged with 2nd Battalion in October of that year. The Chinese Dragon with which the Border Regt was always associated was awarded to the 55th after the First China War of 1841. Discover more about The Border Regiment by visiting Cumbria's Museum of Military Life at Carlisle Castle. The regiment was continually called upon to fight hostile Indians, guard the courts of justice, assist revenue officers, aid in executing convicted criminals, supervise elections, pursue outlaws and murderers, and in general institute lawful proceedings where anarchy reigned. The 1st Bn The Kings Own fought at Le Cateau and in the retreat from Mons in the first actions in the 1914-18 War. Many battalions of the regiment were formed as part of Secretary of State for War Lord Kitchener's appeal for an initial 100,000 men volunteers in 1914. Anyway, we can but try! Repatriation to the U.K. had begun for those with three years and eight months overseas service, so the strength of the battalion was gradually diminishing. The Naga Hillmen were 100% loyal to us and never let us down. There were so many that the newspapers at home dubbed Kendal, the hometown of most of them, 'The Town of Missing Men'. On 1 January 1914 the regiment was at Galveston, . In the event that you consider anything on this page to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please click here. Obtaining information from official sources seems to be quite difficult. 4th Marine Regiment. The 9th Battalion The Border Regiment took part in several such actions, notably at Wetlet, Yindaw, Kinde and Pywabwe. Exhausted, the 4th Battalion of the Border Regiment set sail. The battalion spent an unpleasant time bivouacking without cover, but eventually formed up for embarkation on river transport. The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (4th Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry), or L Edmn R, is a Primary Reserve infantry unit of the Canadian Armed Forces based in Edmonton, Alberta. They were joined by the 34th in the siege and capture of Sebastopol. It continued to serve there, as well as in Burma, until 1890, when it was replaced by 2nd Battalion. The 34th fought with General Burgoyne and was present at the disaster of Saratoga. Some weeks later we were off again by train to Suez. This is a list of battalions of the Border Regiment, which existed as an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1959. [All the above were present throughout the siege]. Soon, in the middle of recuperation from the long and arduous journey, enemy tanks appeared on the ridge above the woods. From the recollections of It was against a Japanese occupied village named Phakedzumi. Most of the content on this site is created by our users, who are members of the at that time had no other role than a training role, we set off in motor transport and arrived at Patna on the River Ganges, where we were billeted at Patna University, which was not operating and without students. But then, on hearing that Rouen had fallen into enemy hands, Fcamp became the destination. By the end of the war, in May 1945, 1st Battalion had recovered sufficiently to help disarm the German occupation force in Norway. I finished my army career, excepting for T.A. It would seem reasonable therefore to assume your Mr. Hutchinson and his comrades transited through Rennes shortly before. After kitting up we were transported one morning to the dockside in Alexandria and boarded R.N. 1st Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry After some delay, the 4th Battalion left the port and moved to Rennes by rail. We spent a day or two in a transit area before being taken by guides up to the perimeter defences. This infantry regiment was first raised in 1702. As I am a volunteer story-gatherer, and no doubt because I have done some research about the war in France, I was asked to type it out and post it to the website. To find out more about how we collect, store and use your personal information, read our Privacy Policy. On this day in 1944 Captain D.V. Our whole Brigade embarked on the Mauritania and so began the next phase of our travels, this time much further east. It was planned at 8th Army H.Q. The other regular battalion were hastily brought home from the East, Kings Own to fight in France, and Border to join the Incomparable 29th Div.
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4th battalion border regiment ww2 2023